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Lauren's Butterfly Garden
Lauren's Butterfly Garden
Garden Photographs
Here are some "before & after" pictures of our Butterfly Garden.
Our Butterfly Bush on June 29, 2023.
Indian Hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) planted on Friday night, October 8, 2021. Definitely need to get a picture during the daytime!
Monarch caterpillar on Milkweed 2019.
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) planted on Friday night, October 8, 2021.
Breaking ground so that I can plant the Blue Butterfly plant (Clerodendrum Ugandense) on Thursday, September 16, 2021.
Finally planted our baby lemon tree today, Friday, September 17, 2021.
Celosia plants, brought these home on May 24, 2021.
(Succulents in the background!)
Milkweed planted on Friday, September 17, 2021, along with aphids that were about to get squished by my fingers!
Passion Flower Vine did indeed come back after the big freeze of 2021! Here it is, photographed on Saturday, September 11, 2021.
Surprised to already have blooms on our baby Lemon Tree!
Photographed on May 24, 2021.
Dianthus flowers in 3 different colors photographed on April 2, 2021.
(These were planted on February 7, 2021.)
Dianthus flowers, photographed on April 2, 2021. (We planted them on February 7, 2021.)
Our Milkweed did not sprout back after the hard freeze of February 15, 2021, so I just found some at The Home Deport - last plant! April 2021
I also got a baby lemon tree because our male naranjo shrub died during the February 2021 freeze here in Texas.
It's planting day!!! Sunday, February 7, 2021.
We got some Dianthus in 3 different colors/shades. One plant of Morning Star Deep Rose Sea Thrift (Ameria martitma), I thought it looked very pretty in pink! And one plant of Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower (Scabiosa columbaria).
Lantana on the west side of our yard just starting to bud open :)
Sunday, February 7, 2021.
Milkweed - 4 plants in the back row. Rhea Salvia on the left in the front row plus 2 Bluebonnet plants. Located on the east side of our yard. April 23, 2017 First day - when planted :)
Milkweed, Rhea Salvia, Bluebonnets plus 3 new Salvia plants: Salvia Greggii Mirage Pink, Salvia Leucantha Santa Barbara & Salvia Greggii Furmans Red. June 30, 2017 - 2 months from initial planting.
Wild sunflowers located on the west side of our yard - July 7, 2017.
Wild sunflowers with Black Gum Tree in the background, also located on the west side of our yard - May 18, 2017.
Honeysuckle vine tree, located on the south side of our yard - June 24, 2017.
First blooms on the Honeysuckle vine - May 30, 2017.
Passion Flower Vine, located on the west side of our yard - June 13, 2017.
Passion Flower bloom - June 21, 2017
We planted sunflower seeds back on May 21, 2017 and here are some of the stocks at almost 3 weeks pictured on June 8, 2017: Mammoth Sunflowers, Mammoth Russian Sunflowers & Autumn Beauty Mixed Colors Sunflowers. These are located on the east side of our yard.
The 3 sunflower varieties on June 22, 2017 - at almost 5 weeks.
Sunflowers at almost 7 weeks - July 6, 2017.
The 3 sunflower varieties at 8 weeks! July 16, 2017. Looks like we might have some blooms in the next few days :)
Our first Mammoth Russian Sunflower bloom! July 25, 2017.
Our first Mammoth Sunflower - July 27, 2017.
A bee on the Mammoth Russian Sunflower!
July 27, 2017.
Our Cestrum Nocturnum, a*k*a "Queen of the Night" bush finally growing back out after last winter's freeze - looking good :) July 26, 2017.
The Sunflowers with sunrays :) July 27, 2017.
Our newest member: Celosia plant :) August 17, 2018.
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